Free delivery to Canada

Our ground by 9 AM delivery service is from select points in Canada to select non-regional points in Canada by 9:00 a.m. within two or more business days depending on the region. The ordering deadline for this service is 2 pm today. If you are eligible for this service, the option will appear on our website checkout.

Our ground 10:30 delivery service is from select points in Canada to select non-regional points in Canada by 10:30 a.m. within two or more business days. The ordering deadline for this service is 2 pm today. If you are eligible for this service, the option will appear on our website checkout.

Our Ground Evening Service

Our Ground Evening Guaranteed Delivery Service is from most points in Canada to select points in Canada between 5:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. within one to six business days. The ordering deadline for this service is 2 pm today.

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